
Monday, December 03, 2012

L I F E | New Furniture!

You guys cannot fathom how excited I am right now. I'm a bundle of nervous energy because The Time Has Finally Come. Yes, it is time for me to move out on my own.

Okay, so technically it's not on my own, since one of my older sisters and I, plus her friend will be living together, and okay so I'm not moving out this very second.. more like within the next 6 months or less. 

But still! This is officially my first furniture purchase for my new home! Well, this and a coffee table, but that is still currently in my car and I was too excited to wait to post some pictures.

What you see above is a wicker stool for my future bedroom. I've got this whole image in my head of how I want it to look, and this stool is a good example. Picture this: pale, pale room with pale, pale lilac and pink accents. comfy white mattresses stacked on the ground surrounded by fluffy pillows and a shaggy pastel pink rug at the foot. from the ceiling descends a white mesh net to cover my bed. across from my bed stands a tall mirror and to the left, my shelf full of shoes.

Hm? Hmmm? What do you think? Clearly I shouldn't quit my day job to pursue a career as a short-story novelist, but whatever. I can't wait to design my future room!

Any suggestions on how I should?